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What we mean when we say

Job : The term that designates a sending operation. It is a collection of documents, sent to one or more recipients lists, with a set of options. Some options are set via a programming interface, such as the web site, end user client software, or the web services gateway. Other options can only be set by Docoon’s customer services department. Fixed collections of options are known as Job Types.


Job type : The configuration of the sending options can lead to the creation of “JOB TYPES”. One type of operation allows configuration of options such as the particular definition of attempt algorithms, how to process documents, and other unusual scenarios. Once created, the operation types can be used via the programming interfaces. Most applications do not require the use of transaction types.


Document : A document is what you want to send, and depending on the media, a document can be an Office file (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx), an Acrobat file (.pdf), an HTML file (.htm, .html), or a TIFF file Faxable (.tif, .tiff), a text file etc …


List : A list contains the addresses of the recipients you want to send the document(s) to. It can can be an Excel file (.xls, .xslx),or a tab separated value file (.tab, .txt) with columns in the prenegotiated order – standard is, contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, in column 1, with optional recipient information in column 2. Comma Separated Value files (.csv) can be used, Documents and lists may be hosted on our server in the account’s web folders, or uploaded with the broadcast request. Regardless of the location of the list, it must be in the pre-negotiated column order.

Docoon default list format consists of a phone number in column 1 and recipient information in column 2. Other list formats can be set up on request. Some applications require several fields of recipient information. If the negotiated list format has the additional fields specified in sequence after the recipient name, then correct “adhoc” addresses can be passed into
the web services interface by specifying all of the associated fields within the name portion of a recipient structure. In the example above, the list format might be “Address, Name, Street, City, State”. The recipient information is always optional, unless required by merge applications that rely upon list information in constructing the delivered document. If supplied, the recipient information will appear on detailed reports.


Address : Our system accept various address formats depending on the targeted media. For email / Fax and SMS we expect a valid phone number or an email address. The system automatically detects the address type by searching for the ‘@’ character.

E-mail addresses can be in the form user@fai.com or in the form “User name” <user@fai.com>. Double quotations and chevrons are mandatory to use the second form. (Ex: support@doccon.com or “Docoon Support” <support@docoon.com>)

Phone numbers are expected in local or International format. A valid international number is composed of at least 10 digits and does not have any separators between digits. It is of the following form:

  • all “dot” “comma” “spaces” and other special caracteres will be removed
  • The remaining number is expected :

<INTL> <PRE> <n°>


  • <INTL> is international mark : plus signe (+) or 00
  • <PRE> is the International destination prefix (1 for US, 33 for France, 81 for Japan ….)
  • <N°> is the local number


Hosted files : Hosted files are files that you transfer to the Docoon platform storage space through Web Services, and that you can use when creating a sending operation. Each client has its own storage space.


Local files : Local files are stored on your local drive. They must be transferred to the Docoon system for being used. You must specify the full file name, content, and MIME type during transfer. If the MIME type is not specified, the system will associate a MIME type according to the file extension.


TID : This acronym means tracking ID, is a customer reference for the job, it is a free string.