The Docoon REST API is a communication mechanism between remote applications via internet. They are independent of any programming language and any platform. The API allows you to query metadata about your job, job statistics, hosted documents, …

Before you start using the Docoon REST API, you will need an account to access to our services. Get a free trial account.

What do you need

To use Docoon REST API you need: a service URL, a username and a password. You will found the service URL bellow, the username and the password should be provided by the salesperson in charge of your account.

Docoon is present in several countries: France, Canada and Japan. For each country, we provide a specific instance of the REST API, you can find the main information of each available REST API bellow :



Service URL:

Current Version : V1

Login WebSite: Username provided by Docoon ####.####

Password: Password provided by Docoon


Service URL:

Current Version : V1

Login WebSite: Username provided by Docoon ####.####

Password: Password provided by Docoon

Base URL

All URLs referenced in the documentation have the following base:


  • {ServiceUrl} is the Url of the REST API local instance (for France
  • {Version} is the current version of the REST API
  • {ResourceName} is the name of resource to use. In the Basic functionnalities, we provide you the names of the available resources.

For example, the resource “SMSJobs” is used to create a sending request =>


Indeed, they use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol as a transport. Thus, communications are carried out in an open manner, controlled and generally not filtered by firewalls. In addition, they use a syntax based on JSON notation to describe the data exchanged (requests and responses body).

What’s next

Starting from here you are able to use Docoon REST API. The first step is to learn how to connect to REST API.

Then you can follow Easy Workflows guide, that will explain step by step how to send messages, get reports and/or responses.

Optionally you can look at individual resources listed in the Basic functionnalities guide , this part is developer oriented.

If you have problems using Docoon REST API you can look at the Errors and troubleshooting section.