If you have fax numbers configured on the Odyssey platform, please follow the workflow “Manage Received Fax”.
This workflow allow you to manage your received faxes in 3 steps, first get received Faxes list, get received Fax file and delete receied Fax file from our system. This basic functionnality illustrate the first step.
Request Informations
Name: /InboundFax
Type: GET
Name | Value |
Authorization | Value : Authorization token check : Connect to REST API |
Content-Type | Value : application/json |
Parameters list:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameters List | ||
customerNumber | int | (Optional) Customer number of the jobs. |
pageIndex | int | (Optional) Page of the result you want to get (default = 1). |
pageSize | int | (Optional) Number of jobs per page (default = 10). |
filterFrom | String | (Optional) From phone number. |
filterTo | String | (Optional) To inbound phone number (the phone number to which the fax was sent). |
filterStartDate | DateTime |
(Optional) Filter returning a list of inbound fax received after the specified date.
Default setting : return the received fax of the last 7 days. Format : “2017-07-08T12:54:40.460Z” |
filterEndDate | DateTime |
(Optional) Filter returning a list of inbound fax received before the specified date.
Default setting : return the received fax until the date of the day. Format : “2017-07-08T12:54:40.460Z” |
sortField | int |
(Optional) Sort the data by the field returned.
Values : 0 = ReceivedDate (default), 1 = MessageId, 2 = From, 3 = To, 4 = Folder, 5 = FileName, 6 = CallTime, 7 = Pages, 8 = BaudRate |
sortDirection | int |
(Optional) Type of sorting.
Values : 1 = Ascending, 2 = Descending (default) |
GET /api/V1/InboundFax HTTP/1.1 Host: api.odyssey-services.fr Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic NjAzMDAuYXxxxxxx
GET /api/V1/InboundFax?pageIndex=1&pageSize=5&filterTo=134296015 HTTP/1.1 Host: api.odyssey-services.fr Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic NjAzMDAuYxxxxx
GET /api/V1/InboundFax?FilterStartDate=2017-07-08T12:54:40.460Z&FilterEndDate=2017-07-24T12:54:40.460Z&sortField=0&sortDirection=2 HTTP/1.1 Host: api.odyssey-services.fr Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic NjAzMDAuYXxxxxx
Successful Response
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameters List | ||
PageIndex | Int | Page number currently returned. |
PageSize | Int | Number of received faxes per page. |
TotalCount | Int | Total Number of faxes that can be returned. |
TotalPageCount | Int | Total of page that can be returned. |
Ressources | Inbound Object | List of Inbound Object, returning the inbound details, See below for structure the details. |
HasPreviousPage | boolean |
True: This is the first page you can display. False: you can display the previous page. |
HasNextPage | Boolean |
True: you can display the next page. False: This is the last page you can display. |
The Ressources are an Inbound Object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
MessageId | String | Id associated to the message |
ReceivedDate | DateTime |
Date and time of reception. Example :2017-07-24T07:49:08 |
To | String | Inbound phone number receiving the fax. |
From | String | Phone number of the recipient. |
Folder | String | Name of the folder where the file is saved (Get the file). |
FileName | String | Name of the file (Get the file). |
Calltime | Int | Duration of call transmission. |
Pages | Int | Number of pages received. |
BaudRate | Int | Velocity of the sending. |
CustomerNumber | Int | ID of the customer that received the job. |
{ "PageIndex": 1, "PageSize": 1, "TotalCount": 3, "TotalPageCount": 1, "Resources": [ { "MessageId": "0", "ReceivedDate": "2017-07-24T07:49:08", "To": "1342960000", "From": "0", "Folder": "134296000", "FileName": "0-20170724-0749-1135087.PDF", "CallTime": 1, "Pages": 1, "BaudRate": 33, "CustomerNumber": 60300 } ], "HasPreviousPage": false, "HasNextPage": false }