Delete hosted document file

Home » DOCOON APIs » REST API » Basic functionnalities » Delete hosted document file

Docoon REST API provides to you the ability to manage hosted documents. These documents can then be used to create a job (parmeter Hosted into FileReference structure), the contents of the document should not be transmitted and will be recovered directly on Docoon servers.
This basic functionnality illustrate how to delete hosted document file.

Sending request Informations

Name: /HostedDocumentFiles/{fileName}


Name Value
Authorization Value : Authorization token check : Connect to REST API
Content-Type Value : application/json


Parameters list:

Parameter Type Description
fileName String File name with extension (abc.txt).
Delete hosted document file
DELETE /api/V1/HostedDocumentFiles/TestDocument.pdf HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic EncodedLogin


Successful Response

Status : 200


Parameter Type Description

Error Response

If the file was already deleted or is not yet created, you might get HTTP 404 error.

Status: 404: File not found

Parameter Type Description
Code Integer Associated error code.
Message String Associated massage.
Error Response
    "Code": 40401,
    "Message": "File TestDocument.pdf does not exist"