Errors and troubleshooting

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Code Libellé Informations
200 Ok The request was successfully executed
400 Bad Request The request is missing some parameters
401 Unauthorized

The authentication failed, your user might not be able to use the Webservices called or

you might have an error in the authentication method.

404 Not Found The resource was not found
500 Internal Server Error An error occured while processing the request. If the problem continue contact the technical support.



Code Libellé Informations
201 Created The request was successfully executed
400 Bad Request The request is missing some parameters
401 Unauthorized

The authentication failed, your user might not be able to use the Webservices called or

you might have an error in the authentication method.

409 Conflict The resource already exist.
500 Internal Server Error An error occured while processing the request. If the problem continue contact the technical support.