Notification HTTP : get SMS Answers

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We can configure your account to receive answer from the sms you sent. (Contact your sales account manager for more information). After sending a SMS to a recipient, the recipient can answer in the next 72 Hours. We then forward you the message. You can get the notification as an email, or find the file in the receptions folders, or get a HTTP POST notification from our service.

Here we will describe the HTTP POST notification service:

Information: To configure this option in your account, you need to provide an URL where we can send the POST, and the format you selected.
The web page should return a HTTP/200 in the 300ms following the notification. If the HTTP/200 is not returned, we will retry the sending every 30 sec until we get an answer.

The push notification can be sent in several format :Basic HTTP POST page configurations:

. JSON (“application/json”), (date are formated as “/Date(XXXXXXXX)/” or XXXXXXXX is the « Epoch » format (number of milliseconds from 1970/01/01).)

. XML (“application/xml”), (date are formated « Epoch »)

. format TEXT (“text/plain”)

. Form (“application/x-www-form-urlencoded”)


Data we send: 

Parameters List
Tid String Id of the Job (1XXXXXX)
Message String Message received
From String Your account inbound reference ID
To String

Phone number of the sender (with country code value)

Example : 080 -1234 – 1980 => 818012341980

CustomerNumber int Customer Number associated to the sending services.
EventDateTime See above Reception date
EventType int Type of notification 8: Inbound SMS
JobNumber int Id of the job (that was returned when doing the sending)
JobType String JobType used for the sending
JobItem int Position of the item in your list


{"TID":"My tracking ID",
"Message":"My Message",

Case of a dedicated Number:

If you have a dedicated Number, you can receive SMS that are sent 72 hours after your sending, or directly without sending. However we do not link the message to a sending Job, the values of “JobNumber”, “JobItem”, “JobType” and “TID” will be 0 for the 2 first and an empty string for the 2 others.

Example of Empty values :